What is the hidden job market?

What is the hidden job market?

What Is The Hidden Job Market Inside Port Harcourt Png

The job market is a stressful place. You’re competing against thousands of other people, and it can be hard to know where your next good opportunity will come from. While job seekers are networking and applying to jobs, they often forget that many job openings never make it to the public job market.

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This means that HR professionals and hiring managers turn to internal employees and candidates in their networks when they need a new hire. Because the hiring manager already knows the candidate, he or she is less likely to be swayed by an impressive resume and cover letter; instead, they’ll rely on their previous experience working together or their understanding of what makes a person successful at their role within an organization.”

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While job seekers are networking and applying to jobs, they often forget that many job openings never make it to the public job market.

The hidden job market is not just for internal candidates.

Job seekers should network with people who can help them find a new position, even if it’s not advertised on LinkedIn or Glassdoor. You might find an employer who doesn’t use these platforms but knows of your skillset and wants you on their team!

HR professionals and hiring managers turn to internal employees and candidates in their networks when they need a new hire.

Internal employees and candidates in their networks are the easiest to hire.

They already know the company culture, so they can be a great cultural fit. They also have a connection with the hiring manager—so if you’re looking for someone who can hit the ground running, an internal employee may be your best bet. And finally, these hires tend to be more committed than external candidates because they see themselves as part of an organization rather than just another job opportunity; this makes them more likely to stay on board after being hired.

Because the hiring manager already knows the candidate, he or she is less likely to be swayed by an impressive resume and cover letter.

The hiring manager already knows the candidate, so he or she is less likely to be swayed by an impressive resume and cover letter. If you are already in the hiring manager’s network, then you can easily demonstrate your skills and experience by showing them how well you fit into the job description. This will help your chances of getting hired much more than if you were outside of their network.

Why do they do this? It’s quicker, less expensive, and more likely to result in a good hiring decision.

If a hiring manager is looking to fill an open position, they will often look at people who have experience in the same field. This helps ensure that any new hires are aligned with their values and expectations.

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But what if you’re an outside recruiter or agency? You’d have to pay for advertising costs—and then find candidates who match those requirements! That can be expensive business if you’re not careful about your selection criteria and how much time it takes them (or you) to find someone who meets those criteria.

The hidden job market is nearly as big as the public job market.

The hidden job market is nearly as big as the public job market. But it’s not just about finding jobs that aren’t advertised, either. It’s about making connections and getting your name out there so you can find opportunities when they arise.

In this article, we’ll cover some tips for how to do both:

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  • Get your name out there by networking with people who have authority over hiring decisions (e.g., managers) or those who may know someone who does have authority over hiring decisions (e.g., HR). This can be done through social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook Groups where potential employers are likely to look first before opening up their own search engine results pages in desperation after seeing hundreds of resumes from people with no relevant experience under their belts at all!
  • Keep an updated resume on hand because employers want proof that candidates are actual employees who can actually do what they’re hired for once hired—and not just anyone off Craigslist could qualify as such without looking too closely at its details first–or worse yet–just paying someone off instead which many companies frown upon doing nowadays due its potential legal ramifications down stream


The hidden job market is a real thing, and it’s growing.

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It’s not just your friends or family who can help you land a new gig—it’s professionals like HR managers and hiring managers whose job it is to find good employees for their companies. By having a network of people in place who know what they’re doing, you will be more likely than ever before to land that dream position that pays well and provides for your family’s needs.

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