Jordan airdrops medical supplies to Gaza hospital

Jordan has airdropped a medical aid package to a hospital in GazaKing Abdullah II has said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Jordan neighbours the West Bank and is home to many Palestinian refugees. The king’s wife, Queen Rania, was born to Palestinian parents and has been outspoken in her criticism of Israel in the conflict.

The US news website Axios reportedthat the airdrop was done in conjunction with the Israeli military.

Given Israel’s blockade and intense bombardment of the strip it is hard to imagine it could have been done otherwise.

Jordan’s military said in a statement that the medical supplies were dropped via parachutes from a Jordanian Air Force plane, according to Axios.

Aid has been trickling into the territory via the Rafah border crossing with Egypt but the UN has said it is woefully inadequate for what is needed. Israel has cut off water, fuel and medical supplies to Gaza even as thousands of civilians are killed and injured in its attacks.

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