Jeremy Renner Accused of Insulting Felon Girlfriend’s Family After Calling Them ‘F–king Idiots’

A family based in Reno, Nevada, has accusedJeremy Rennerof insulting them after he dated theirfelon daughter, claiming the actor called their mom and aunt “f—king idiots,” amongst other grievances.
Jeremy, 52, reportedly pursued a relationship with hairdresser Amber Monson after they met at a local club in August 2023, her family told The Daily Mail on Tuesday, January 9.
Amber’s brother Jason Nelms explained to the outlet that the relationship became more romantic when the 28 Weeks Later actor started video chatting with Amber, 34, and her family in the following months. However, the relationship took a negative turn in November 2023 when Jeremy invited Amber, her mother, Tracy Overholt, and friends to meet his daughter and parents at his Lake Tahoe mansion.
As the family made their way to the house, Jeremy allegedly called them nasty names on a phone call and refused to come out to meet them at the entrance.
“It’s kind of out in the boonies where he lives. They’re trying to drive out there and they’re lost, they don’t know where it’s at. It’s dark, the roads are icy and bad,” Jason recalled to the outlet. “They’re calling him up just trying to figure out where he’s at. And at one point he’s like, ‘What are you guys, f–king idiots? Do you not have a brain between the three of you?’”
Jeremy eventually sent his nephew outside when Amber and her family arrived. “My family’s standing back, and he’s really coming off as a d–k,” Jason claimed. “He was real cold to them. It was like, ‘Bow down.’”
When Amber’s mother’s friend went to shake Jeremy’s hand, he allegedly asked, “Who the f–k are you?”
After noting that the Hurt Locker actor was “wasted and being an a–hole,” the family decided to leave. However, Jeremy’s nephewstopped them and said that the tension would end if they apologized.
“My mom was like, ‘Apologize? You want us to apologize? Seriously?’ Jason recalled of the alleged incident. “He’s treated him like s–t, called them f–king idiots, then expects them to apologize like they’re the ones in the wrong, because he’s King Renner and you’re supposed to bow down to him.”
Her younger brotherDillon Overholtalso confirmed to the outlet that she was romantically involved with Jeremy and said he was present for some of their video chats. However, Amber has not publicly addressed her family’s claims about Jeremy.
Amber has made headlines for her run-ins with the law before her romance with Jeremy. In 2021, she stole a government car and took it on a high-speed chase near schools, according toCarson Nownewspaper. Eight cars were damaged during the incident, including one driven by a parent with her children in the vehicle.
She pleaded guilty to eluding police, battery with use of a deadly weapon, assault with use of a deadly weapon and possession of a stolen vehicle, the Carson City District Court clerk told The Daily Mail. Amber later was sentenced to serve between 24 and 60 months in prison.
In addition to her 2021 arrest, Amber is currently on probation and was arrested on December 13, 2023 for violating the arrangement. She has since been released.