Palm Sunday And It’s Significance

Palm Sunday marks the first week and the beginning of the Holy Week in the Christain calendar, commemorating Jesus Christ’s Triumphant entry in Jerusalem.
The Easter falls on the 31st of March 2024. Easter Monday is on the 1st of April 2024.
Palm Sunday commemorating Jesus Christ’s Triumphant entry in Jerusalem, when he was greeted by cheering crowds waving palm branches and placed some of it on the ground for him to walk pass it, according to the Bible in the Old Testament.
This year, Palm Sunday falls on the 24th of March 2024. Palm Sunday is also known as Passion Sunday, it’s the beginning of the Holy Week.
How is Palm Sunday Celebrated
The ritual or liturgy typically starts with a blessing of the palms by clergy. It’s followed by a reading of the Passion of Christ, meaning an account of the final events of Jesus’ life.
Some ceremonies in German-speaking countries used to include a figure of Jesus riding a donkey, Encyclopedia Britannica says. The figure is called a ” Palmesel,” or German for “palm donkey,” according to New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, which on its site recounts how worshippers would lay palms on the ground before the Palmesel during lively processions.