Kid Rock Appears Confused, Drink in Hand, When Asked Why He’s Wearing a Budweiser Hat on Fox News | Video

Kid Rock joined Fox News’ Laura IngrahamThursday night, drink in hand and Budweiser hat perched atop his head.
When asked why he sported the hat of the beer company after his notorious 2023 boycott of Bud Light and its parent company Anheuser-Busch, Rock appeared surprised and confused, eventually admitting to Ingraham, “Man, we got … we got … I didn’t know what hat I was wearing.”
The hat in question read: “This Bud’s for you.”
“We got bigger targets,” he continued. “I mean, when you look at what … Planet Fitness, like what are they doing? Ben & Jerry’s? I don’t want to put any targets on people’s back — Target.”
He then held up both hands, showing an apparent liquor of some kind, and continued, “I talked to dudes from Bud Light or Anheuser-Busch, the CEO, the people like, man, they messed up. It’s too bad they just won’t say it, like, ‘Hey, we messed up a little bit,’ you know, whatever.
“But that’s now how they’re cut. And, um, you know, I got my answer. I don’t want, I don’t want to hurt people’s jobs and stuff like that when they don’t have any dog in the fight. But there’s a whole lot more companies we should be going after for sure,” he concluded, all seen in the clip above.
In February Rocktold Joe Roganthat he’d buried the hatchet with Budweiser. Of the feud, Rock said, “Man, I was just having fun, to be honest with you. I was pissed, but it wasn’t like it was going to wreck my day, let alone my life. I was just kind of like, ‘What the f–k are they doing?’”
Months earlier, Rock was outraged after the company partnered with trans TikToker Dylan Mulvaney as part of their March Madness campaign. He also told Rogan that he and Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth partied together in the time that followed.
“We’ve become friends. He’s a great guy. After five minutes of talking to him, I’m like, ‘Dude, you seem like somebody I’d f–kin’ be friends with, that I’d hang out with.’ And he’s like, ‘You would, that’s what I’m saying.’ And I’m like, ‘Well, come to Nashville, come visit me.’ F–kin’ did!”