Tiger Woods Has ‘Huge Regrets’ About Divorcing Elin Nordegren: ‘He Misses Her’

Tiger Woodsstill dreams of a second chance with ex-wifeElin Nordegren,In Touchhas exclusively learned, despite the fact that she has truly moved on. On March 26, theformer couple reunited to watch their son, Charlie, 15, receive a state championship ring for golf at his North Palm Beach, Florida, high school.
Well, well, well, it seems that Tiger Woods might be experiencing a bit of the ol’ “the grass is greener on the other side” syndrome. After his very public and messy divorce from Elin Nordegren back in 2010, it appears that Tiger is now having some serious second thoughts about letting her slip through his fingers.
In Touch has exclusively learned that despite the fact that Elin has truly moved on and is living her dream life with her new partner and their three children, Tiger still dreams of a second chance with his ex-wife. It seems that Tiger has come to realize the value of what he once had and is now experiencing a case of the “shoulda, coulda, wouldas.”
It’s a classic tale of “you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone,” and it seems that Tiger is no exception to this rule. But, alas, it may be too little, too late for the golf superstar, as Elin has found happiness with former NFL player Jordan Cameron and is content with maintaining a relationship with Tiger solely for the sake of their children.
It just goes to show that sometimes, even the most successful people can’t have it all. But hey, at least Tiger can take solace in the fact that he’s not alone in the club of “regretful exes.” So, here’s to Tiger Woods and his journey of self-discovery and learning the hard way that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
“Tiger has huge regrets about letting his life with Elin slip through his fingers,” says a source close to the exes, who also share daughter Sam, 16. “His relationships have been disastrous ever since they split, and he misses her.”
In 2023,Tiger’s ex-girlfriendErica Hermanfiled a suit against the professional golfer, 48, citing a law that voids NDAs in the case of sexual assault. (She now denies being abused by Tiger.) Elin, 44, on the other hand, found love with former NFL playerJordan Cameronin 2017, and the pair are now parents to three children: Zeta, Freya and Arthur.
“She is very happy with Jordan and only maintains a relationship with Tiger for the sake of their kids,” says the source. “Not that that’s stopped him from this fantasy that they could still find their way back to each other.”