Real Madrid vs Tebas: Suspension Showdown

In a surprising turn of events, La Liga President Javier Tebas is reportedly on the brink of being suspended by the Spanish Sports Court following a complaint lodged by Real Madrid. The complaint is centered around the controversial CVC deal, which saw 38 of the 42 La Liga sides selling 10% of their TV rights over the coming 50 years. Real Madrid alleges that the process to call the assembly and vote through the deal was not carried out properly.

This move by Real Madrid seems to be part of a broader power struggle within Spanish football, with Tebas being a strong opponent of the Superleague and facing criticism from Real Madrid regarding referees and the CVC deal.

The suspension is expected to be a precautionary measure and could be implemented as soon as tomorrow or within the next week, marking a significant development in the ongoing saga between Real Madrid and Javier Tebas.

This news has been reported across various sources, including X/Twitter posts from @Goat_RMCF, @BarcaTimes, @MadridTimes, @theMadridZone, @iambolar, @pubitysport, and @hfworld.

The situation underscores the ongoing tensions in Spanish football and could have significant implications for the governance of La Liga moving forward.

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