Ben White: Best or Just Unlikable

File Photo Of Ben White

The story of Ben White, an Arsenal defender, has sparked a passionate debate among football enthusiasts and social media users. The discussion revolves around his exclusion from the England squad despite his exceptional form, goals, assists, and clean sheets for Arsenal. This has led to questions about whether he is truly the best right back or if there are other factors at play, such as his likability or off-field demeanor.

Social media has been buzzing with opinions on Ben White, with some fans expressing their admiration and love for the player. For example, one user tweeted “EVERYBODY LOVES BEN WHITE,” highlighting the widespread support he enjoys among fans. Another user expressed their appreciation with a simple heart emoji, further emphasizing the positive sentiments towards White.

However, not all opinions are in favor of White. Some users have expressed dislike for the player, with one user stating, “I really don’t like Ben White !!” This suggests that while he has a strong fanbase, there are also detractors who are vocal about their feelings towards him.

This debate has also touched on the humorous aspect of the situation, with some users imagining England manager Gareth Southgate’s reaction to White’s performances and the calls for his inclusion in the squad. The overall consensus, however, remains that White’s contributions to Arsenal’s success this season should not be overlooked, and his absence from the England squad is a point of contention among fans.

The discussion has also included comparisons to other players and appreciation for White’s versatility on the field. For example, one user mentioned that while they may not like White personally, they acknowledge that he is a “very handy footballer.” This highlights the complexity of the debate, with some fans able to separate their personal feelings about the player from their assessment of his abilities on the pitch.

In conclusion, the debate surrounding Ben White centers on his performance and contributions to Arsenal, with fans and social media users expressing a wide range of opinions about his likability and whether he should be included in the England squad. While opinions may vary, the consensus seems to be that White’s contributions to Arsenal’s success should not be ignored, and his exclusion from the England squad remains a point of contention.

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