China is banning ‘wealth-flaunting’ behavior on social media

China has launched a crackdown on influencers who showcase their wealth on social media platforms. This campaign, announced in April by the Cyberspace Administration, aims to curb the display of extravagant lifestyles built on wealth, which is seen as creating a ‘wealth-flaunting’ persona. The move is part of broader efforts to regulate online content and promote a healthier, more harmonious online environment.

One of the most prominent figures caught in the crackdown is Wang Hongquan, an influencer known for his extravagant outfits and displays of wealth. Wang, often referred to as ‘China’s Kim Kardashian’, had his social media accounts suspended for violating platform regulations. He was known for claiming ownership of seven luxury properties in Beijing and for never leaving the house in an outfit worth less than 10 million yuan ($1.38 million).

Other influencers, including ‘Bo Gongzi’ and ‘Baoyu Jiajie’, also had their accounts suspended for similar behavior. The crackdown has been well-received in China, where there is growing concern about the impact of such displays of wealth on society. It is seen as part of a broader effort to promote ‘common prosperity’ and to address the growing class divide in the country.

This move by the Chinese government is not the first of its kind. China has a history of regulating online content and cracking down on social media trends deemed undesirable. The current campaign is seen as a continuation of these efforts, aimed at creating a more equal society and addressing the dissatisfaction of young people in a highly competitive job market.

The campaign has sparked a debate about the role of social media in promoting materialism and the need for more meaningful forms of fulfillment and happiness. Some argue that the focus should be on economic development and providing people with a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness, rather than seeking psychological comfort through the internet.

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