Pop Francis Ban Lethal AI at G7 Summit

File Photo Of Pop Francis

Pope Francis made history as the first pontiff to address the G7 summit, where he called for a ban on “lethal autonomous weapons.” Speaking at the summit held in Italy, the Pope emphasized the need to reconsider the development and use of such devices, ultimately advocating for their prohibition.

The Pope’s address focused on the perils of artificial intelligence, particularly in the context of armed conflict. He stressed the importance of ensuring that AI remains human-centric and serves humanity rather than becoming a tool of destruction.

The G7 leaders acknowledged the Pope’s concerns and recognized the need for a framework to govern the responsible development and use of AI, especially in the military domain. They committed to enhancing international security by ensuring that the use of AI in warfare complies with applicable international law, including international humanitarian law.

The Pope’s call for a ban on lethal autonomous weapons reflects his ongoing efforts to address the ethical implications of AI and its potential impact on human lives. This historic address at the G7 summit underscores the growing global attention to the responsible development and use of AI.

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