Gov Fubara Shifts Rivers State Traditional Rulers Leadership

Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminalayi Fubara, has announced a change in leadership at the State Supreme Council of Traditional Rulers. In a meeting with the traditional rulers at the Government House, Port Harcourt, Fubara revealed that Eze Sergeant Awuse has been removed as the chairman of the council.

The governor attributed Awuse’s removal to his inability to lead effectively due to his involvement in the ongoing political crisis in the state. Governor Fubara defined the decision as necessary to ensure that the council has a more competent and diligent traditional ruler with the presence of mind, and ability to carry everybody along.

Eze Chike Worlu Wodo, the Paramount Ruler of Apara Kingdom, has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Rivers State Council of Traditional Rulers. Governor Fubara expressed confidence in Eze Wodo’s ability to foster unity and work in synergy with every member of the council to ensure peace within their various domains.

The change in leadership comes amidst a political crisis in the state, with Governor Fubara accusing Awuse of producing a calendar for the year 2024 that deliberately excluded the photographs of the Governor and the Deputy Governor. The governor emphasized the need for a more effective leadership that can promote cordial relationship among members and with the state government.

Eze Wodo pledged that he will devote his time and energy to the assignment given to him, and work in synergy with the state government to maintain peace and harmony in the communities to fast track the development of the entire state.

This decision by Governor Fubara underscores his commitment to ensuring effective leadership and unity within the traditional rulers council, amidst the ongoing political crisis in the state.

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