Celebrity barman and socialite, Cubana Chief Priest, has taken to social media to solicit support for the release of Akpi from prison. Akpi, whose full name and details are not publicly known, is reportedly being held in prison, and Cubana Chief Priest is rallying his fans and followers to come together to support Akpi’s release.
In a post on his Instagram page, Cubana Chief Priest shared a photo of Akpi with a caption that read: “Let’s come together to support our brother Akpi. He’s been locked up for too long, and it’s time we rally around him to secure his release. Let’s show him we care! #FreeAkpi”
The reason for Akpi’s imprisonment is not clear, and Cubana Chief Priest has not provided any further details about the case. However, his post has generated a lot of interest and support from his followers, with many calling for Akpi’s release and offering words of encouragement.
As the news of Akpi’s imprisonment and Cubana Chief Priest’s campaign for his release continues to spread, many are left wondering about the circumstances surrounding Akpi’s arrest and imprisonment. While the details of the case are still unclear, one thing is certain – Cubana Chief Priest is using his platform to bring attention to Akpi’s plight and rally support for his release.