Democratic Congressman Al Green Removed from Congressional Session After Interrupting Trump’s Speech

Democratic Congressman Al Green Removed from Congressional Session After Interrupting Trump's Speech

In a dramatic turn of events, Democratic Congressman Al Green was removed from the congressional session after interrupting President Donald Trump’s speech. Green yelled, “You have no mandate to cut Medicaid!”. sparking a heated exchange that ultimately led to his removal from the chamber.

The Incident

The incident occurred as Trump was delivering his speech to a joint session of Congress. Green, who has been a vocal critic of Trump’s policies, stood up and shouted his protest against the president’s plans to cut safety net programs, including Medicaid.

Green’s Removal

Following Green’s outburst, House Speaker Mike Johnson directed the sergeant-at-arms to remove the congressman from the chamber. Green was escorted out of the room, still voicing his objections to Trump’s policies.


The incident sparked a mixed reaction from lawmakers and observers. Some Democrats praised Green’s actions, seeing them as a necessary protest against Trump’s policies. Others, however, criticized Green’s behavior, arguing that it was unbecoming and unproductive.

Trump’s Response

Trump did not directly address Green’s outburst during his speech. However, he did make a passing reference to the incident, saying that “some people” were opposed to his policies, but that he was committed to pushing forward with his agenda.


The incident involving Congressman Al Green highlights the deep divisions and tensions that exist between Democrats and Republicans in Congress. While Green’s actions may have been seen as a necessary protest by some, others viewed them as unbecoming and unproductive. As the debate over Trump’s policies continues, it remains to be seen how lawmakers will navigate these tensions and work towards finding common ground.

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