Lauren Boebert Says She Stopped Seeing Handsy ‘Beetlejuice’ Date Because He’s a Democrat

Lauren Boebert Sends Apologies After Getting Kicked Out Show Png

Rep. Lauren Boebert is already over the man she was caught groping during a NSFW date at a Denver theater last week, now that she found out he’s a Democrat.

The hard-right Colorado congresswoman told TMZ that the thrill is gone in her short-lived romance with Quinn Gallagher, the bar owner she was caught on camera in a groping session while in the audience of the musical, “Beetlejuice.”

The pair was escorted from the auditorium minutes after getting a warning at intermission for their boisterous behavior. Officials later said the hard-right pol and Gallagher were vaping, singing, recording and “causing a disturbance” that produced complaints from others in the audience.

Security footage showed the handsy couple being led out through the lobby, with Boebert several times turning around to wag her finger at the guards working at the city-owned venue.

But it wasn’t the kerfuffle over their behavior that put a dart in the romance. She was apparently unaware that Gallagher does not share her ultra-conservative politics. Boebert has gone to battle over drag shows in particular; Gallagher is the co-owner of the Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar in Aspen, which occasionally hosts drag shows.

“I learned to check party affiliations before you go on a date,” Boebert told TMZ.

She claims it was a no-bad-feelings breakup despite the wave of negative attention after the couple’s misbehavior was made public.

“He’s a wonderful man, and it was a great time to go out and have dinner and enjoy part of a show,” she told TMZ.

“Nothing to do with anything that anyone reported. Honestly, he’s a private citizen and we peacefully parted. Great man, great friend and I wish him all the best.”

Separately, Boebert’s estranged husband used a Facebook post to take the blame for the breakup of their 18 year-marriage.

Jayson Boebert took “full responsibility” for “the breakdown of our marriage” in a Facebook post addressed to the people who live in her district, where she squeaked to reelection last year with just a 546-vote margin.

“I was unfaithful to Lauren in so many ways,” the post said, after starting out stating that he was addressing “the deep concerns circulating” and the “attacks against Lauren.”

“I should have always brought my best just as she did. My actions were selfish and thoughtless, and I failed to consider the consequences they would ultimately have on the person I hold dearest in my heart.”

“This has been a devastating divorce that I hold all responsibility for. It upsets me that everyone believes she left me over fame or a new lifestyle. That is far from the truth,” the post said. “I am asking for you all to show grace and mercy towards Lauren in this troubling season.”

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